Best Wishes for a Joyful Holiday Season! Dear Sir or Madam, A very warm welcome to you with this year's last news from the Bright World of Metals and Energy efficiency and resource conservation in production processes – these are catchwords, which are constantly assuming more and more importance in the world of foundry machines, metallurgy, thermo process technology and cast products. Against the background of climate protection, changes in many different industries will be ushered in. This is a development, which has started several years ago. It is also the reason why Messe Düsseldorf established the “ecoMetals“ initiative – an important part of the trade fair quartet GIFA, METEC, THERMPROCESS and NEWCAST, which will provide an up-to-the-minute overview next year. Read more in the topic of the month December. Wishing you and your families a joyful holiday season and a happy, successful and, most importantly, healthy New Year in 2015. The METEC Team