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Supporting Programme 2015

Dear Sir or Madam,

Just a few more weeks and then the Düsseldorf exhibition grounds will focus completely on METEC 2015. Take a look now at an exciting supporting programme so that you can organise your time perfectly: You can find all of the lectures, workshops and events in our event database.

And please remember: You can already order your ticket now and take advantage of the many benefits.

Best regards from Düsseldorf!
The GIFA Team

The Topics

ecoMetals 2015
Supporting Programme
Buy a ticket and the catalog online

The Bright World of ecoMetals

Don't miss out: ecoMetals Trails

Logo ecoMetals

Thanks to “ecoMetals”, you enjoy the advantage that you will easily recognise
the corresponding exhibits by the “ecoMetals” logo. Register now for the Highlight-Tour!

Issues such as saving resources, environmental effects and energy efficiency are currently affecting the steel, iron and non-ferrous metal processing industry. Suitable solutions to these issues may be found at Bright World of Metals. The “ecoMetals” initiative helps companies to develop themselves towards a low carbon economy.

More about ecoMetals 2015
Registration ecoMetals Trails
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Supporting Programme

Platform for Know-how-Transfer – Welcome to the supporting programme of the “Bright World of Metals” 2015!

Logo Rahmenprogramm

The international quartet of trade fairs GIFA, METEC, THERMPROCESS and NEWCAST will also have a top class supporting programme of events in 2015, with numerous seminars, international congresses, symposia and series of presentations.

Secure the exclusive specialist knowledge of over 1,000 experts from science and industry.

More about the supporting programme of METEC 2015
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Ticket and catalog online - per mouse click

The easy and quick way

Your fastest and simplest way to METEC 2015: Go to the online shop and register as trade visitor! Then you can purchase your admission ticket and a catalog. Your ticket at a favourable price, no shipping times, free use of the VRR public transportation system, price level D, Region South (DB 2nd class in supplement-free trains), direct entrance to METEC without queues at the trade fair – an eTicket only offers you advantages.
Buy a ticket and catalog
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