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International Thermprocess Summit 2017

Dear Sir or Madam,

The preparations for the International Thermprocess Summit ITPS 2017 are in fulll swing: Every two years, Düsseldorf becomes the hotspot for the global thermo process industry and the industries that use its products. This year the event is taking place again and on 27 and 28 June the Düsseldorf InterContinental Hotel will welcome high-profile international speakers concerned with politics, economics and science.

Order your eTicket now in the online shop by clicking on "Registration" and enjoy this international event.

Best regards

The International Thermprocess Summit 2017

High-quality conference programme & exhibition

International Thermprocess Summit ITPS
The two-day conference will, for example, be dealing not only with scientific and practical aspects of thermo process technology but also with the general global, economic and industry policy conditions. The impact of digitisation on industry will be presented, in addition to the latest news from selected industrial customer groups and new business models. The exhibition held at the same time in the foyer of the InterContinental Hotel is an ideal addition to the high-quality conference programme.
Programme, tickets, information at
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Hotels and travel offers

For a convenient stay

Here you will find all information on booking highly attractive hotel-, flight-, rail and travel packages of your choice.
Hotels and travel offers
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Düsseldorf CityTip

Berlin at Apollo Varieté

Apollo Varieté
Enjoy with all your senses: The Show&Dine experience at Apollo Varieté fuses great entertainment with international cuisine. The new programme whisks you off to Berlin. Look forward to racy-erotic artistry and razor-sharp humoresque. Until 9 July.
Further information (in German)
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